*March/April 2008

Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them
*March/April 2008

Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them
News and Updates
I feel the need to apologize for my lack of communication over the past several months. As you know, there have been many changes around here -- and I've lapsed seriously in keeping up with my newsletter writing. Losing my co-author has been a hard thing to move past, as I'm sure you understand. But I'm returning with this special "updates" issue, and hope to continue from here on schedule. (Or at least as "on schedule" as I've ever been.) Future issues will contain the more familiar articles and inspirations.
I have resumed doing sessions full time. Thanks to everyone for your patience as I gradually worked my way back toward "normal". The only current change in my scheduling practices is that I am limiting missing animal cases. I'm only accepting two ongoing lost animal cases at a time; I find that anything beyond that quickly becomes an emotional overload, and I'm unable to be as helpful. There will be some other availability changes coming up in the future, but I'll leave that news till things are more definite.
"In other news", as they say, if you like to read, you may want to pick up a copy of Penelope Smith's new book, "Animals in Spirit", released by Beyond Words Publishing (a division of Simon and Schuster) early in 2008. "Someone you know" has an excerpt in the book.
I've been keeping very busy with a special new endeavor. Feel free to visit redmaplefarm.net and learn about Northeast Llama Rescue and Barnyard Sanctuary and New York Wildlife Rehabilitation to see what I've been up to. I'm on the board of directors of this rescue center, which lives right around the corner from me, and at which I volunteer my time and energy. It's a wonderful place, helping hundreds of animals a year, and a truly worthwhile cause. We've held fund-raisers, are applying for our IRS non-profit status, and have hopes of making some great changes and additions in the upcoming year. The owl photo (hoping you can see it) at the head of this page was taken by me at one of our fund-raising events. He is a Great Horned Owl (and Teacher) who lives with our local raptor rehabilitator and fellow board member, who appeared at our event as a good-will ambassador. I will be taking the New York State Wildlife Rehabilitators' exam in April in hopes of attaining my license. Wish me luck!
In addition to my usual telephone and email consultations, I have been experimenting with instant messaging sessions using voice chat, and having quite a bit of success. Therefore, I'll be adding "IM Sessions" as an option. I have Yahoo Instant Messenger, AOL's AIM, and Skype all installed on my computer, and have successfully used all three. This will allow clients to have a "phone consultation" without the cost of a phone call. All you need to participate in voice chat sessions are a broadband connection, a recent version of one of the aforementioned instant messaging programs, a computer microphone and either a set of speakers or headphones (or a headphone/microphone headset). The sound quality is very good, with Yahoo's IM program slightly better than the others, and I find that headphones are somewhat preferable to speakers, as speakers can occasionally cause an echo.
Well, though this was brief, and probably not very exciting, "it's good to be back". Watch for more interesting newsletters in the future, and thank you all again for your patience.
Don't forget that you can keep up with changes and info on rates, policies, and "other fun stuff" on my website: www.gazehound.com, and that you can find archives of this newsletter and other articles on my Creature Thoughts Blog: gazehound.blogspot.com.
Gift Certificates:
I always have gift certificates available, whether you would like to give them to friends and family, or whether you'd simply like to purchase them for your own animal friends. These are available at the regular session rate of $30/half hour session. There is, however, a special rate for anyone who orders three or more at one time. Ordering 3 or more gift certificates will reduce the cost per session to the "old" individual session rate of $25/session. Therefore one Gift Certificate will be $30, two will be $60, but three will be available for $75, with increments of $25 per certificate over three. Gift certificates are non-returnable, and they are valid for one full year from the purchase date. Once payment is received, your gift certificates will be sent via email as a PDF attachment (Acrobat Reader required to open and print) unless otherwise requested, so be sure I have a correct e-dress for you.
Email me at allcreatures@
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Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
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