Friday, April 01, 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News, April 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News
April 2005
Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them


Animal communication is not magic, nor is it the answer to every problem. It's one tool among many that we have to work with our animal companions, to help them, to learn to understand them. Among the other tools, all equally important, are veterinarians (both allopathic and holistic), trainers, behaviorists, good nutrition, and for cases of missing pets, all of the search and recovery resources out there, such as shelters, flyers and ads, services like Sherlock Bones, and the clever and resourceful neighborhood kids! What animal communication does is augment these other tools, add depth to them, and increase our ability to communicate with our animals and understand their own viewpoint on the subject at hand.

Occasionally we run into folks who are of the mind that animal communicators can "fix their problems". This is rarely the case. What we can do for pet owners is to help them fix their own problems by adding one more tool to the box as they search for the answers. The most important job any animal communicator can do, in fact, is to help the pet's human to learn to understand their friend better themselves. We do this by sharing our techniques, encouraging a deeper connection of the person with their animal friends, and helping the person to see just how much he really does understand of what his pet is telling him. Most humans "read" their pets better than they think they do. They just need to trust that little voice inside, that sense of intuition, and nurture it. By verifying their intuitions, and encouraging them, animal communicators have the privilege of helping with that process.

Behavioral issues are always a tricky spot for communicators. Sometimes a person will call, having tried everything, and when the communicator suggests using more training in conjunction with the telepathic process, the owner becomes discouraged. What I'll usually do in cases like this is try to soothe the human's concerns by sharing behavioral problems I have experienced with my own animals, and the steps I took to try and solve them. Often when they see that even an animal communicator uses training, vets, nutrition and other tools in conjunction with talking to their pets, it helps the person to see that they really are adequate to the task. Having hope that you will succeed is the first step toward solving a difficult problem.

I remember one person who asked me, when I started sharing about an issue I had with my own cats, "If you can talk to your animals, why do you still see disobedience in them?" My response was, "Do you talk to your kids?" Animals are indeed intelligent, thinking beings who can communicate with their humans if the humans are able to step beyond the barriers that prevent them from hearing. But just because the human can hear, and the animal can answer, it doesn't mean the answer is always yes!

In health situations, all good communicators will always recommend veterinary care, and attempt to augment what the vet is already doing by finding out the animal's point of view in the situation. We are not vets, and cannot diagnose illness ... it's not what we're here to do. What we can do is find out how the animal feels, where he hurts, and what he thinks about the whole situation. Sometimes that will give the vet a new direction to explore, or verify something he has already ascertained but isn't wholly certain about. Being able to help in that way toward a pet's recovery gives the communicator a great feeling of satisfaction, plus it will often help a vet who is on the fence about animal communication to understand better, maybe even deepening their own relationship with the animals who come to them for help.

The greatest feeling in the world for any animal communicator is watching their clients grow and strengthen their own abilities to understand their furry friends. We do whatever we can to augment that relationship and encourage that growth. One gal asked, when talking about this, "Doesn't that make you worry that they won't need you any more?" My response was, "Not at all!" There are so many animals on this earth, so many animal lovers. If one person no longer needs my help, someone else will be there seeking a similar path of growth and discovery. I would love to see the whole of humanity regain the ability to commune with all life in harmony.

So think of animal communication as one of many resources at your disposal as you grow closer to your animal friends, seek to help them with their problems and concerns, and learn to understand them better. As the spring takes hold, and new life sprouts all around us, I wish you joy in your path of discovery, with your animals at your side!


Pree's Talk-To-Me Tips

When I asked Pree what she'd like to share for this issue of the newsletter, she said simply, "Respect." When I asked her to expound on that, she showed me how a key to truly understanding your animal is to respect him for who he is, and not try to impose human-centered restrictions on him. This means learning about cat behavior to understand cat behavioral problems, for instance, and trying to control your own emotions as you attempt to view the issue from the cat's point of view. One example of this will be cats who have a problem with inappropriate urination. Urinating is not looked at as a "problem" by the cat ... most of the time he is attempting to communicate, and a very natural way of communicating is to leave his scent in obvious places. Pree suggests: Try not to get mad at your cat for being a cat (or your dog for being a dog ... Pree wishes to make it known that Mom added that part about the dog), but to understand what a cat's point of view would be in the situation, and look for a compromise. Sometimes it helps if you explain the problem, without anger, from the human point of view as you try to understand the cat's. Respect means that there is a middle ground somewhere, and that you and your friend have a chance of finding it together.


Thanks to everyone who has stopped by my Creature Thoughts blog. Please feel free to interact by leaving comments and suggestions, asking questions, or making requests for future posts. Remember, too, that issues of this e-news will be archived there. In addition to Creature Thoughts, I've started a couple of other blogs you might wish to take a look at, which occasionally have related topics in them.

The original "Creature Thoughts" Blog:
"Stream of (Sub)Consciousness": is a place where I ramble on about the esoteric, the philosphical, and probably even the ridiculous at times.
"Point and Viewpoint": is a "reviews" site where I've been posting thoughts on books, movies, television shows, etc.


Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

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