Monday, March 10, 2008

from Gayle --Touching base and request for information

Hello, friends,

I'm sorry I have been so out of touch in the past couple months.  I know I owe everyone at least one newsletter ... maybe two.  I must sincerely apologize.  Although we're moving toward that "new normal", I'm sure you understand how life goes on at a whole different level after dramatic changes occur.

There are other changes in the works, as well, but that is news for another day.

In the meanwhile, a couple of tidbits just to catch you up and thank you all for sticking with me.  To start with:

  • I am, thank you to those who've written to inquire, back to doing sessions on a normal basis.  I'm sorry I've been so remiss in keeping in touch with everyone on that score.  The only thing that is different, at the moment anyway (again, news for another day), is that I am only taking lost/missing animal cases on a *very* limited basis.  It is very probable, in addition, that I will stop doing missing animals in what may be the near future.
  • Penelope Smith has a new book out, called Animals in Spirit (Our faithful companions' transition to the afterlife).  I have a copy, though have yet to read it in its entirety, so really cannot provide a full review.  (Just a matter of lacking time and courage right now).  However, in the section on reincarnation, if you pick up a copy, you will find a contribution by me and Kai.  Much has changed since the excerpt was written, but Kai most certainly is still his very solid and comforting self.

I know that many of you do animal rescue work.  I've been very busy on that front as well, and invite you all to visit to see some of what I've been up to.  I'm very proud to be involved with a worthwhile organization that is rescuing farm animals and wildlife in my local area. 

And on that note, also, a request.  If anyone is involved in dog rescue, and has contacts and knowledge of transportation relay networks, could you email me privately, please?  I'm trying to help a friend with a problem, and am expanding my search for information. 

Thanks to all, and I hope 2008 has been kind to you so far.  I hope to be in touch soon with a more "official" newsletter edition.


-- Gayle P Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
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