April 2009
Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them
Hard Times and Innocent Souls
The economic situation has hit many of us below the money belt, big time. Our animal friends are falling victim to the recession as well. As people lose their homes, or can't feed their families, the animals who have been a part of their lives can sometimes find themselves in dire straits. I sent the news list a note, not long ago, about the formidable llama rescue that our Northeast Llama Rescue and Barnyard Sanctuary has undertaken. Thanks to the donations of our supporters, including many of you, the llamas are doing well, have been vetted, the males gelded, and it looks like they are going to be just fine. I hope you'll enjoy this slideshow of the llamas on YouTube. NELR had no sooner recovered from that situation, however, when something even more serious arose. Over seventy sheep and several dairy cows, including a calf, were in desperate need. Due to one of those “when bad things happened to good people” situations, the animals have been neglected for a while, and some of them are in pretty rough condition. Half of them have been transported to NELR as I'm writing this article, and today, the rest will be moved as well. To say that this rescue happened in the nick of time would be an understatement. I ask all who are inclined to do so to send healing and encouraging thoughts toward these innocent victims, for they can surely use your support. Over and over, reports are filtering in of animals in difficult conditions because of the economic crisis. People who were always borderline-fine with the care of their beasts are suddenly finding themselves unable to properly feed, vet and house them. As in the situation with the llamas, some people are even losing their homes, and the animals have nowhere to go. Rescue centers are flooded with calls (once these sheep and cattle are tended to, there are several more llamas already waiting in the wings for NELR) and many sanctuaries are already overwhelmed. | These good-hearted Samaritans do their best, but each facility can only hold so many animals, and if it goes too far over capacity, risks becoming a rescue situation itself. There are many ways we animal lovers can help. We can volunteer our time and elbow grease at our local shelter or farm sanctuary. If we have the knowledge and resources to properly care for an animal or two, we can fill out an adoption application. We can dig into our piggy banks and, if there is something to spare after the bills are paid, toss something into the collection bucket for the rescue of our choice. And, of course, those of us who are so inclined, can pray, send healing energy, and reach out for the rescued animals with thoughts of safety and comfort. But I think the most important thing of all that we can do to help, is to reach out to the rescue workers, who are tired, overwhelmed, and feeling like they're being dragged in a dozen different directions, and say “thank you”. These dedicated souls work day and night for the animals and often go long stretches without hearing how very appreciated they are. It's astounding how far a few simple words of encouragement can go toward renewing the energy and drive needed to continue their work. Oh, they hear it from the animals all the time, and see it in the eyes of every soul they save ... or as they gently help the ones they can't save through the veil. But it's nice to hear it in human-speak once in a while, too. If you would like to help out with Northeast Llama Rescue and Barnyard Sanctuary's latest endeavor, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Visit , where you will find a PayPal link at the bottom of each page, and further information on donations linked to the front page of the site |
Don't Forget....
... that gift certificates do have an expiration date. If you've given them as gifts, or have them tucked safely away at home, check those dates and be sure to redeem them before they expire. I'll try to post a reminder in each issue of “Creature Thoughts”.
Remember, too, that the extended expiration date of gift certificates purchased during the 2007 Holiday Special ended on January 31st, 2009.
Website Features
The Book Shop
The Animal Communication Book Shop can be accessed as an external link from the front page and the main Animal Communication page, and on the "Introduction" page (reached by the button of that name in the side menu), the shop itself is built right into an inset at the bottom of the page. I hope you find this a convenient way to research and review books on animal communication, as well as a number of other topics such as positive training, natural pet care, and "good for the human soul" sections.
New Books Added: The Natural Pet Care section of the bookstore has a few new titles for your enjoyment.
Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals In Your Life (by Elizabeth Fulton )-- "Whether you're a newcomer to the field of energy medicine, an experienced practitioner or an animal lover committed to learning everything you can about your companion's health, Animal Reiki will open your eyes to a new level of healing and well-being. From dogs and cats to horses and birds, this book is everything you need to understand and appreciate the power of Reiki to heal and deepen the bond with the animals in your life."
Hands-On Healing For Pets: The Animal Lover's Essential Guide to Using Healing Energy (By Margrit Coates) -- "This book can teach you how to make a real difference in your pet’s happiness and well–being through hands–on energy healing. Energy healing is a non–invasive, complementary, yet very effective therapy that can be used to improve your pet’s health and behavior."
On Site
Don't forget that you can always keep up with changes and info on rates, policies, and "other fun stuff" on my website:, and that you can find archives of this newsletter and other articles on my Creature Thoughts Blog:
It has become more important than ever, that all of my clients are subscribed to my e-news list. Thus, whenever anyone inquires about information, or sets up an appointment, they will receive both an invitation to the list and a separate note from me letting them know they've been invited. I strongly encourage all my clients to stay in touch, by remaining subscribed to this list. And please feel free to forward this newsletter issue to any friends, family, and acquaintances whom you feel might be interested in joining us.
Free Help For Our Animal Friends at NELR
Northeast Llama Rescue and Barnyard Sanctuary and New York Wildlife Rescue (an IRS 501(c)(3) charity) accept Paypal donations through their website at I've dedicated much time and love in the past several years toward helping to build a safe place for our wild friends in need, and our livestock rescues, and am extending the offer to all of you to aid in their care as well. And now, we have a totally painless (and free) way for anyone to support the animals at NYWRC/NELR. If you sign up to shop online through, at no cost to you, every purchase you make through the iGive gateway will earn a donation for the animals.
To sign up to shop through iGive for NYWRC:
And even if you don't sign up (but why would anyone not sign up since it's free and painless?), you can still earn money with each internet search you do simply by logging in to the iGive search engine rather than Google or whichever other search engine you normally use:
I set the above link as my homepage in my browser to remind me to search through iGive and earn pennies for the animals each time I search. iGive's usual one cent per search is doubled through the month of December, too, so get using it now while we can earn the big bucks!
Gayle Nastasi (of Gazehound's Animal Communication) is a professional animal communication consultant and writer, who hopes her connection to the animal world can serve as a way to help her fellow humans enrich their relationships with their animal companions. By better knowing our non-human friends, we ensure a kinder future for our world and we learn what it means to be a unique and essential part of all that is. Permission is given to forward this article to anyone you feel might enjoy it, as long as it is understood that copyrights are held by Gayle Nastasi, and the author's name, and links to her website(s) are left intact. If this publication has been forwarded to you and you would like to subscribe to Gazehound's free monthly e-newsletter, “Creature Thoughts”, just visit the newsletter link below.
Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
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