Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gift Certificate Extensions

Gift Certificate Extensions*

I've had a number of people contact me with a couple of questions about
gift certificates, so I'm making some changes in hopes that it benefits
everyone who has purchased gift certificates.

1. I'm extending the offer for the Christmas special rate on gift
certificates to December 31st, so that people still want certificates,
can take advantage of the holiday offer.

2. I'm changing the time limit for redeeming gift certificates from six
months to a full year. I'll be changing the actual template I use, and
marking the website accordingly. Those who have already purchased gift
certificates, if they wish, can make a note on them or simply let the
recipients know ... I'll remember, as long as they read me the date/code
on the coupon. :-) This is a PERMANENT change, and applies not only to
certificates purchased through the holiday offer, but those that were
purchased within the last year as well.

3. If you bought gift certificates through last year's holiday (2004)
offer that have not been redeemed yet, let your gift recipients know
that I'll be honoring last year's gifts as well with a special
extension. 2004 gift certificate recipients can still contact me to set
up a time to claim their session, if they contact me before the end of
January 2006.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
*Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:*
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Monday, December 19, 2005

rate change reminder

Happy Holidays, everyone.  I hope this year's holiday season is full of fun and free of stress for all of you!

This is just a little reminder that my rates will be going up slightly as of January 1st, 2006.  They will be $30 for the first half hour, or  $1/minute with a 30 minute minimum committment (that minimum will be flexible under special pre-arranged circumstances such as follow-ups, etc).  All other details will remain the same as they have been.

All gift certificates bought before the end of the year will be honored at the 2005 rate, and are, as always, good for 6 months from the purchase date.



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Holiday Greetings, December 2005 Gazehound E-News

Gazehound's Animal Communication
Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them.

December 2005

Season's Greetings!

Holiday Thoughts: The Golden Strand

It's often said that as we get older, we lose our enthusiasm for the holidays. Many adults complain of commercialism and lack of holiday spirit, they worry about the expense, and the main thing that many look forward to about the holiday season is "getting it over with". I think that part of this waning of spirit, too, is that the older we get, the more of our loved ones have not come forward in time with us. The holidays bring memories of days gone by, of people, pets, friends and family who are no longer here to celebrate with us. As human beings, it's hard to hold on to the joy, when such thoughts bring us sadness.

One thing my animal friends have taught me in recent years is that such passings and memories don't have to be entirely sad. Goodbye only applies to the physical, and with time and faith, we can learn to feel our loved ones around us, even after their bodies have ceased to be a part of them. I've learned to see the holidays and all of the memories they bring as a reason to celebrate the lives that I've had the privilege to share, including the lives of the animal friends who have blessed my past.

On our tree, my two favorite ornaments are tiny picture frames. One has a photo of my dear white Saluki Yoda, and the other of my sweet dark dog, Jai. Yes, each year I shed a tear as I hang those ornaments, but tears are not necessarily a bad thing. Tears are a gentle sacrifice, a giving of a part of ourselves for a life well lived ... for a memory worth holding in our hearts. By hanging these ornaments, and seeing their faces again, I've been able to feel their spirits close around me.

Like the garland on the tree, these memories are the golden strand that weaves through the years, making each holiday season a little bit brighter than the one before. I look forward to adding faces to that golden strand, as I continue to build my collection of photo ornaments. Each tear will add a happy sparkle, each picture another reason to celebrate all that this time of year means to me.

Don't be sad when you think of holidays past. Know that your loved ones, animal and human, surround you and celebrate the season with you. The golden strand of happy memories will help us all to face the future with joy.

Pree's Talk-To-Me Tips: "Ask first"

Pree began her "Tips" communication today by showing me an image of a human trying to take a photo of their cat, and the cat not being very cooperative. She kept moving from the posed position, having to be retrieved and put back in place, and both cat and human were becoming very frustrated. Pree's point in the image, is that a lot of difficult tasks with animals can be made easier if the person learns how to "ask first" and explain what is going to be happening. She then shifts to an image of the same person sitting with the cat and running a peaceful, happy "movie" through her mind as she explains to her feline friend what she's going to do. She focuses totally on the animal in front of her, giving full attention to the communication process. She puts her hands gently on the cat to help with the connection. She paints very clear, colorful, and peaceful mental images of exactly what she is saying. She takes the time to explain why she'd like these special pictures ... to have and keep forever to remind her of this Holiday Season with her dear feline friend. And then Pree shows me the photo session, after the cat has been respected and the subject explained, going much more smoothly. When the cat shifts, the human is patient. If the cat jumps down, she is called back respectfully or offered a treat to appease her. Instead of an aggravating session that ends in an angry cat, an upset owner, and no photo, the picture-taking is accomplished with much less stress. Pree suggests to "try asking first", making a real effort to respect your animal friend and explain the situation. The answer may not always be yes, but you'll find you receive more coooperation this way than when attempting to force things. This is not just a better approach for picture taking, but many tasks that an animal may not wish to sit still for in her day to day life ... taking pills, clipping nails, grooming.... "Ask first" is the first step to making a pet-owner relationship into a true partnership.

Did You Know: Pree has started her own Cat-blog? Visit to check it out!

Just a Reminder....

The special on gift certificates is still running through Christmas Eve. I offer gift certificates at the regular rate of $25.00 per session/certificate. However, from now until December 24th, anyone who purchases two certificates together will be able to order two for $45, or $2.50 off the price per session. Anyone who purchases three together will receive 3 for $60, lowering the cost per gift session to $20 each. Just drop me an email or give me a call if interested.

Remember, also, that there will be some pricing changes starting January 1, 2005. More information can be found on the rates page of my website.

Permission granted to forward this newsletter to anyone you feel might find it interesting.
For archives of past issues, see the Creature Thoughts blog at
To unsubscribe or adjust your subscription, visit:
Need help or wish to make a suggestion? Email Gayle at

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Holiday Gift Certificate Special

A Special Offer to Listmembers

Last year, I ran a special on gift certificates for the holiday season, which is back due to requests from various clients. This special runs through Christmas Eve. I offer gift certificates at the regular rate of $25.00 per session/certificate. However, from now until December 24th, anyone who purchases two certificates together will be able to order two for $45, or $2.50 off the price per session. Anyone who purchases three together will receive 3 for $60, lowering the cost per gift session to $20 each. Just drop me an email or give me a call if interested.

Do you know friends or family who might like to receive a gift certificate for an animal communication session as a gift? Or perhaps you might wish to buy several to put in your own animals' stockings. The certificates are normally good for six months from the purchase date, but for the holidays I will consider that to be December 25th, so any purchased through this offer will be usable until June 25th, 2006. Even though my fees will be changing slightly as of January 1st, gift certificates purchased now at the 2005 holiday rates will remain good till the summer expiration date.



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Important Information from Gazehound's Animal Communication

Dear Friends,

I'm writing to you today for a couple of reasons. To those who have
already signed on with the new server and may receive two copies of this
note, I apologize in advance.

1. First and foremost, I'm writing to give those who have not yet
signed up with the new email list server one last chance to do so. Due
to increasing computer "issues", I will be uninstalling the software
that ran the old list later *today*. This will be the final message
that is passed through that address, and from this point on all
newsletters and updates will be sent to the new list only. If you have
not yet signed up with the new newsletter list, *please do so now*. It
is very simple to do, only takes a moment, and can be done several ways:

Go to and follow the
instructions there. There is a link as well as a sign-up box.

Send an email (it can be blank) to

If the above give you problems, email me at
and I will add you to the list directly.

Once any of the above are done, you may be sent a short note from the
server (yahoogroups) asking you to confirm your request (all you have to
do is either reply to the message they send or click a link provided in
it). This is primarily to make sure they have your address correct.
Once done, you'll be all set, and should receive a welcome message
letting you know you are successfully subscribed.

After today, the next message that will go out (barring anything
unforeseen) will be my December newsletter, which will include a gift
certificate promo code. That will only be sent to the new list address,
so don't miss out!

2. I'm writing, also, to announce a couple of policy and price changes
that are either going into immediate effect or coming up soon.

a. As of now, the preferred method of payment for sessions will be
PayPal. Although PayPal takes a small fee, I find the reliability and
convenience well worth the price. If you would like to use PayPal after
having a session with me and are not sure of the process, email me and
ask that I invoice you, and that way a message will be sent to you with
a link that makes the procedure quite simple.

b. As of now, the second preferred method of payment will be money
orders. While I still will be accepting personal checks if that is the
only convenient option, I'm afraid I have to stress that any returned
checks will be charged back to the client plus all fees that have
accumulated as a result. I guess it is a sign of the times that a lot
of folks are having financial difficulties right now, and I certainly do
empathise, but this has led to an increase in the number of personal
checks from clients that are not clearing, and an increase in the
chargeback penalties I've been having to pay.

c. After five years of never having raised my rates, as of January 1,
2006, there will be a slight increase applied to all sessions. I will
be going with the rate used by many other animal communicators, of
$30/half hour. It is not a huge increase, and I hope it will not be a
great inconvenience to anyone, but I'm finding it necessary to help meet
expenses. All percentage-based discount policies will still apply, as
well as my "satisfaction" policy that states you only send payment if
you feel the session has been helpful.

As the holiday season approaches, I hope it finds all of you and your
animal friends content and in good health. Please email me with any
questions or concerns regarding the above.



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
*Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:*
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wonderful news about the Salukis

[Don't forget to sign up with the new format of my bi-monthly newsletter
if you haven't already done so, as the old format will soon no longer be
active and I will be uninstalling the software that runs it. If you
wish to continue receiving my updates, specials, and newsletter, it is
important that you make the switch. I'm sending this to both addresses
to update those who have not yet switched over to the new server as well
as those who have. I apologize to those who might receive two copies.

To sign up, go to and fill in the
form or send an email to .]


Thanks to all who have sent prayers, support and donations to help the
Salukis rescued from the animal abuse situation in Virginia. There is
great news. The trial is over and the defendant plead guilty, the dogs
have been released into STOLA's care, and they are now on their way to
new and loving foster homes. They can still use your kind thoughts that
all goes well as they are rehabilitated and placed, but the hardest leg
of the journey is over for these lovely souls.

Please visit to read more.

There is also an auction in progress at to support the rescue group,
if anyone is interested.



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
*Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:*
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Reminder, and something new and exciting!

Something exciting has come up, and since a large number of my list
members haven't yet had the chance to switch to the new server, I
thought I would load up the old one again, cross my fingers, and let
everyone know the good news.

Well known animal communicator Penelope Smith has been working *very*
hard the past couple weeks setting up a very special prayer and healing
circle, the Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare. Please
visit the ACCAW central web page at
and read all about this very special group. The page is
self-explanatory, so I won't take up too much of your time here, but I'm
very excited about ACCAW and I'm sure many of you will be as well. I
have also added a new page, menu button, and links from my main animal
communication website at for everyone's use.

Also, please don't forget to visit and sign up for
the new server for this newsletter list. My little newsletter is my
main means of communication with all of you, and you'd be greatly missed
if I inadvertently left you behind! :-)

In addition to signing up via the website, you can also subscribe by
sending an email to and
following the instructions you receive in response.

"See you there!"



Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
*Free bi-monthly Animal Communication newsletter:*
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Very Important Note: changes in Newsletter List structure

Dear friends,

Due to recent instabilities in my home computer setup, I've
*reluctantly* come to a necessary decision about this list. Currently,
the list has resided on my own computer, run by a small professional
list software application. I've done this to avoid the ads and other
annoyances of services such as Yahoo Groups and to keep the list private
for your sakes.

However, my old computer continues to grow older by the day, and I'm
having more, and more frequent, problems with it. Therefore, I'll be
moving the newsletter list to YahooGroups so that it can continue in a
relatively (I hope) stable environment and I'll be able to contact you
via the web interface there if this computer should suddenly decide it's
not going to wake up some morning.

On mulling over the various ways to do this, I had several possibilities
in mind. I've decided that the easiest way for everyone would be to
send you the sign-up address

and the web interface page

and ask that everyone who wishes to continue receiving my newsletters
simply either send an email to the former (it can be a blank email as
long as the address is correct), or take their web browser to the latter
and subscribe.

In order to try to keep the list as secure and protected as possible
from spammers, I've set it up so that all new members have to be
approved by me. That way there won't be any "reproductive enhancement
product salesmen" stopping by. :-/ Therefore, depending on how you
choose to subscribe (the latter is recommended, as that way you have a
chance to associate your current, if you have one, Yahoo ID -- or apply
for a new one if not -- and use the photos, chat and calendar, etc,
features, should we decide they're desirable), you'll recieve welcome
files and instructions on how to proceed. If you subscribe via the web,
include a note in the comments field of the form that says something
like "current member", just in case I don't recognize your email
address. If you use the email method, you should receive a note from
the moderator (me) that you can simply reply to and do the same. That
way I'll know you're you, and be able to approve you right away.

I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this change might cause. It's
just gotten to the point that I'm concerned over the real possibility of
having no news list at all unless I do something "soon". Making the
switch in this way gives everyone a choice as to whether they wish to
continue receiving the newsletters, while putting the majority of the
work (approving everyone) on my shoulders. I really do hope that all of
you will decide to continue, and if you have any confusion or questions
about the process, please email me at

The "old list" is going to disappear, probably tomorrow, to give it a
chance to process this message and make sure everyone has received their
copy. I'll be re-routing the old address to my main account rather than
the "list" to catch any new subscription requests and error messages
that might come in, but the actual processing software will be taken

The list will remain as it is otherwise, just an announcement/news list,
and will not be a "discussion" list ... so it will not be adding to your
email burden in any way once the changes are in place.

Again, my apologies for any inconvenience, and I do hope sincerely that
you all will stay with me.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News, October 2005

*October 2005

Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them

HALLOWEEN: Fun Times and Hazards

October is a great time of year. The world is drawing toward rest,
leaves changing and dying as the trees go into their winter quiet. The
veil between the spirit world and the physical world thins, a fact that
has generated traditions throughout the ages that many cultures enjoy.
In our society, Halloween has become a holiday enjoyed by children of
all ages, a time of fun and frolic ... and sometimes mischief.

While the kids are enjoying costumes and candy, our pets are also
affected by the celebrations. Our animal friends love to be part of the
family events, but Halloween is a time of year that we have to keep an
extra careful eye on them. Although most of our neighborhood youngters
... and sometimes not-so-young-sters ... have good intentions and are
only out to enjoy the night, there is always that small faction one has
to watch out for. Everyone remembers hearing stories of animals being
mistreated on Halloween; black cats in particular seem to be targets.
Therefore, Halloween is one holiday when we might be better off
including our pets from a safe place, and keeping a special watch over them.

Pranksters are, of course, the most obvious hazard. Bring the animals
indoors well before darkness falls on Halloween night, and it may be
wise to extend the caution several days before and after. If you
normally leave the dogs outside in a fenced yard while you're at work,
this time of year is one where you probably should rethink the practice.
If you're hosting trick or treaters, and the door will be opening and
closing frequently during the evening's haunts, it probably would be
best to put dogs and cats into a bedroom or other back room that can be
closed securely. No one would want their cat or dog to dart out into
the night and become lost (or worse).

Even friendly children may be a risk to an equally friendly animal.
While taking my own kids trick or treating, many's the time I've seen a
happy cat following strange children around a neighborhood just for the
fun of it. While both kids and cat were having a great time, the less
friendly element was still out there. There were also an unusual number
of cars roaming the streets, their drivers watching out for groups of
children, and not for the little cat that might dart under the wheels.

If you think you might like to walk the dog among the trick or treaters,
make sure the dog is friendly, unflappable, well socialized, and on a
very secure collar and leash. Strange things are about on Halloween
night, and not things we can expect a dog or cat to truly understand.
Even a normally unperturbable dog is liable to panic at the sight of
ghosts, goblins and Barney the Dinosaurs coming at him out of the dark.
Heck, *I* would panic at the sight of Barney the Dinosaur coming at me
out of the dark! The last thing a dog owner needs is a law suit because
his normally friendly dog became frightened enough to nip Barney!

Halloween is one time when an owner will be served well by the ability
to "get into his pet's head" and sense the emotions there. Try to stay
tuned to your animal friend's feelings. Don't just assume that the dog
or cat will be fine because he's always been friendly ... you're asking
your animal companion to face some pretty strange circumstances. If you
sense that your dog is at all nervous, it's safest to turn around, take
him home, and tuck him into a secure and safe place for the evening.

Another hazard many of us might not think about on Halloween is the
candy itself. Your dog or cat is going to be aware that goodies are
being handed out, and the temptation to try those goodies for themselves
may be very real. Keep candy out of reach of your pet, in a covered,
and "uncoverable", container when it's not being supervised. Remember
that single verifiable way that humans may be "superior" to the other
animals we share our planet with: we seem to be the only ones for whom
chocolate is not poisonous! No one wants to end their Halloween
holidays with a trip to the emergency vet because their beloved friend
ingested a pound of tootsie rolls.

At Halloween, as at any time where events might not be the ordinary
routine, try putting yourself into your animal friends' point of view,
to imagine how things might appear to and affect them. Extra special
times often require extra special precautions to make sure everyone has
a happy, and safe, holiday.

[With thanks to Sherlock, Katie, Kayce and their mom Dede for the
suggestion for this article. Have a subject you would like to see
covered in the e-news? Let me know!]



Don't forget that details on policies and rates can be found on my
website at If there is anything you would
like to see, or see more of, on the website or in any of the blogs, or
in this newsletter, feel free to email me at
and let me know!

Salukis update: Special thanks to everyone who has sent support and
donations to the rescue Salukis. The dogs are continuing to improve,
and updates can be followed at this web address: . In addition, the STOLA rescue
group has begun their regular fall Ebay auction, found at , to raise funds to support
their rescue operations, in case anyone would like to stop by, browse
the items listed (there will be several hundred items listed over the
next few months), and participate.


... "Everybody Does It" ....

When I asked Pree what she would like to share in her Talk To Me section
this month, she roused from her nap and responded "Everybody does it".
I asked her what she meant by that, and she replied that it's not that
humans don't telepathically connect with their animals, not for the most
part, anyway. Everyone does, everyone who loves an animal has the
connection there already. The animals realize this. The problem is
that humans don't trust themselves to "hear", combined with the fact
that human-people have such a weird obsession with the possibility that
they might be wrong. She suggests that people start practicing with
little things, things that won't lead to dire results if they act upon a
mistranslation of what they're sensing. Trust the little "feelings" you
get, and the "feelings" will gradually grow larger, and you'll be able
to receive information from your animals with more confidence.

When I ask if she has a suggestion as to how we humans can increase this
self-confidence, she replied, "Try to be more like your cats!" and then
returned to her interrupted nap.

An uninterrupted nap doesn't sound like a bad idea right now ... I think
I'll go be more like my cat. 'Night, all!


Thanks to everyone who has stopped by my Creature Thoughts blog. Please
feel free to interact by leaving comments and suggestions, asking
questions, or making requests for future posts. Remember, too, that
issues of this e-news will be archived there. In addition to Creature
Thoughts, I've started a couple of other blogs you might wish to take a
look at, which occasionally have related topics in them. You can find
my other blogs by using the links in the sidebar of "Creature Thoughts".

to unsubscribe, visit:

Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Saluki Rescue Fundraiser Auction

STOLA Saluki Rescue is about to begin their annual fundraiser auction on Ebay. To visit the auction and keep up with the great items they will be offering for sale, visit their

Ebay AboutMe Page

This year, more than ever before, STOLA needs the funding, due to a huge 39 dog animal cruelty rescue which is currently in the courts. The dogs will be released to STOLA's care shortly, and at an average of $800 to rehabilitate and rehome a single dog, the costs of this rescue are going to be astounding.

Please visit Ebay, bookmark the STOLA rescue page, and bid generously.

Friday, August 12, 2005

special note: Salukis in Need

Hello, friends,

As many of you know, Salukis have been a big part of my life for going
on three decades. Yoda, my first Saluki, is the image at the top of my website, and still a powerful and positive influence in my
life even though he passed away many years ago. He sparked a love and
respect for this breed that has become part of my core identity. As a
result, I'm led to do what I can, though often "what I can" doesn't seem
to be enough, to aid the breed in various ways.

I have been involved with the organization STOLA (Saluki Tree of Life
Alliance, Inc.), a national Saluki breed rescue group, since its
inception, and am still active as it's web maintainance person and as a
volunteer. As a volunteer of STOLA, I have recently been involved in a
dire situation that is going to need ongoing support in many categories.

While Saluki people on the whole are great folks, in every barrel there
are bound to be one or two bad apples. One of the "most rotten" in the
Saluki barrel is a lady who, among other names, Saluki people know as
Sandy Moss. Her Elektra Salukis have, for decades, been victims of her
mental illness and negligence. She is what modern psychology experts
refer to an "animal hoarder", and since the 1980s she has kept Salukis
in growing squallor, not tending to their needs, and allowing them to
breed indiscriminately. One time in the past she was brought up on
criminal charges, but after she got out, she moved to a new state,
changed her name, and went about collecting her dogs from "friends" who
hid them for her and started over again.

This past week, brave and dedicated volunteers, including STOLA
representatives, and a caring group of officials from her Virginia
county, finally obtained enough evidence to move in on Sandy Moss and
arrest her. Multiple counts of animal cruelty were pressed, and she is
currently in prison. While I cannot reveal any details of what the
rescuers found on her property due to the pending court procedures,
let's suffice to say that you probably don't really want to know
anyway. Many, many tears have been shed over these details.

The dogs are currently divided into two batches. One group of fourteen
was gotten out before the actual raid and are being fostered by a STOLA
representative. The other group of twenty five dogs is in the custody
of animal control, and must stay there for some time, as they are
evidence in the legal procedings. Both groups, however, are in dire
need of support, as a rescue of this magnitude is more than either
STOLA's budget or the budget of the animal care facility used by the
county are able to safely cover.

Due to the non profit nature of the organization, STOLA is not allowed
by the IRS to donate directly to the county run facility, but private
volunteers have put together a separate fund for that purpose. STOLA
has donated web space and an email address to those volunteers to help
out. If reading this message inspires you to learn more and possibly
make a donation to either group of Salukis, please feel free to visit
the STOLA website at You will see links on the
front page to both the private page for the Elektra Saluki Aid Fund, and
to STOLA's main donations page.

I hope this note finds you all well, and that it has not disturbed
anyone. Salukis are a special part of my heart, and I would not be
emailing you this way if there was not a very special cause.

Thank you for your time,

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News, August 2005

*August 2005

Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them


We are all students of life, and the entire universe is our classroom.
As we walk though this life-school, we meet many teachers along the
way. In fact, just about everyone we meet teaches us something, even
when that something is a minor detail. Some teachers, of course, are
profound, having a vast impact in our lives. One thing it's been a true
privilege to witness as an animal communicator, is how so many people
consider their animal friends some of their wisest teachers.

So often, I talk with an animal and their human, and find that the
relationship between them is many-fold. Yes, they are human and pet ...
but I don't think I have yet to meet any human who feels that it ends
there. There is often a parent-child relationship involved, and believe
me when I say that the human is not always the parent in the deal.
There is of course a deep and faithful friendship. And almost always, I
find that the pair have learned so many things from one another. Very
frequently the human considers themselves a humble student of the
animals in their life, and often the animal will share with me the same
emotion ... that their human friend has taught them a great deal as well.

After have enjoyed this observation over time, I've come to the
conclusion that many humans take an enormous step forward in not only
their relationship with animals, but their own soul evolution, when
they accept the lessons that the animals (and all of nature) around
them have come to teach.

What do our animals teach us? The answer to that question is as
many-fold as there are human-animal partnerships on the earth. It
certainly is not for me to know, though occasionally I've been able to
aid the exploration, what lessons you and your animal are learning
together (though "patience" seems to be a common one ::smile:: ). To be
honest, I think it might count as cheating if someone were able to
reveal the answer to that question for you. Searching for that answer
is often part of the learning process, and sometimes one of its greatest

The animal companions I've known in life have been some of my greatest
teachers (although there have also been many human teachers that
certainly deserve a lot of credit, don't get me wrong). Each animal who
has passed through my life, however briefly, has taught me something.
The lessons have ranged from minor to life-altering, and I try always to
remember, and to give thanks for them. There have been times that some
of the most difficult moments have taught me the most beautiful
lessons. For instance, I've learned more from the death of a dear
animal companion than all the books in all the libraries in the world
could hope to teach me.


The primary event leading me to the topic of this newsletter, however,
is a disturbing glimpse through the eyes of those who are too
closed-minded to admit to the lessons that can be taught by (in their
minds) "lesser beings". Last night, the National Geographic Channel ran
a travesty of a program called "Psychic Animals". I came away from
watching it so incredibly sad ... not sorry for the content of the show,
which was a joke, but sorry for the souls of the individuals who,
calling themselves "researchers", put the show together. It was
obvious that they began with the premise of "debunking telepathy", had
made up their minds long before they set up their experiments, and that
they jaded and shaded every experiment and every result to prove their
own preconceived point. By including only a very biased and basic
fragment of the communication session they chose to film, they
deliberately made all animal communicators and those who use them appear
to be naive fools. They completely discredited any claims of
intelligence in the animals they featured. Saddest of all, they
closed their own lives, as well as (unfortunately) the lives of the more
gullible of their viewers, off from receiving one of the greatest joys a
human can experience ... the chance of having an equal and intelligent
relationship with a member of another species.

As the saying goes, "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

However, as disturbing as this so called "scientific" show was, it left
me not angry, but thankful. I'm thankful that I've known animals who
have left me with a complete assurance that the skeptics who filmed that
program are wrong. I'm thankful for all the lessons, and all the beings
who taught them, that have blessed my life. And I'm thankful for all of
you -- knowing that there are many people out there who know what I
know, and feel what I feel, and will, despite the critics and the blind,
continue to teach others that we are not alone on this planet, but share
it with many other highly intelligent ... and communicative ...



Please remember that there have been some changes in amounts and
policies regarding the various discounts I give. Details can be found
on the Rates page of my website. In a nutshell, though, all discounts
will be standardized at 20% of the usual half-hour rate. For referral
credits, it is now required that the person who has referred someone to
me let me know that they might have a credit available when they call or
email to make their next appointment. This is something that has always
been suggested, but I've tried to keep track as well ... recent events
have made that a rather difficult task. Also, if you are kind enough to
refer someone to me, please also suggest /strongly/ that they subscribe
to this newsletter. It's the easiest way for me to keep up with my
clients on such issues, thanks!


... "Simple" Isn't Necessarily "Wrong" ....

Today's thoughts are my thoughts (though running them by Pree received a
"good idea"), and are sparked by events on the aforementioned TV show,
in particular the animal communication session ... or portion of one ...
that was featured. The communicator was talking with a horse, relaying
the owner's questions, and the horse was responding. The horse's
answers were not earth-shattering or complicated, they were simple
answers that a horse would give. The "researcher's" conclusion,
therefore, was that the communicator was simply relaying common sense
information that she would have known about horses anyway, and not
receiving anything telepathically from the horse.

Just because the answers were common sense answers, it doesn't mean the
common sense didn't come from the horse. ("Horse Sense!" -- Pree) The
owner asked general questions of the horse, so naturally the horse would
give general answers. When you ask a human being "How are you?" what
will the answer usually be? "Fine." No one would deem the "Fine" to be
an assumed response on the part of the asker, of course. So why should
"--more grass, please", in reply to a question about how a horse likes
her environment, not be a valid response from the horse?

Animal communicators do sometimes, even often, receive very specific
information from their animal clients. I've had many humans verify the
accuracy of such details. However, we also, often, receive general
answers to more general questions. This does not in any way invalidate
the fact that the animal is responding to the question, nor that the
person practicing animal communication is hearing them correctly. As
you practice talking to your own animals, and sometimes receive very
general answers, please don't let that cause you to doubt what you
hear. Sometimes the answers are, simply, simple!

(By the way, to all of you who will, as a result of this email, wonder
how Pree is doing...? She says to let you all know she's "Fine.")


Thanks to everyone who has stopped by my Creature Thoughts blog. Please
feel free to interact by leaving comments and suggestions, asking
questions, or making requests for future posts. Remember, too, that
issues of this e-news will be archived there. In addition to Creature
Thoughts, I've started a couple of other blogs you might wish to take a
look at, which occasionally have related topics in them.

The original "Creature Thoughts" Blog:
<>"Stream of (Sub)Consciousness":
<> is a place where I ramble on
about the esoteric, the philosphical, and probably even the ridiculous
at times.
"Point and Viewpoint":
<> is a "reviews" site where I've
been posting thoughts on books, movies, television shows, etc.


Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just a note to the blog, in case anyone goes looking for and can't find it.... The domain is off line for several days, until the dns servers catch up with my tardy renewal. Life In General has had me more than usually distracted lately and I managed to let the domain lapse. How embarrassing is that? :-) People can email me for now at or and/or post here in any of my blogs to keep in touch. should be back within a couple of days. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Follow-Up to Pree's Moon Journey

Traci asked, in a comment to the most recent e-news issue, if Pree has shared any thoughts on her Moon Journey of years ago. Her story had been published in a 2004 issue of Penelope Smith's "Species Link" newsletter (which can be subscribed to through her website, For that article, I did ask Pree to comment on her journey. I'll post the entire text of the conversation here.

Pree's original Moon Journey story can be read on my website, Go to the Personal pages and then to the Essays. Her story is entitled "Moon Journey", and can be accessed through the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen.

Here is our follow up talk:

06 February 04: Talking with Pree
Pree came to me this morning, as I was in the kitchen and about to head in to do a session with a client’s kitty (who is also currently “gone walkabout”). She jumped to my lap and said she was aware that I wanted to talk about her journey, and she was ready to do so. I let her know that as soon as I was done with my scheduled session, we’d talk. She was pleased. After my session was done, I came out to the living room and sat on the sofa, and had no sooner settled than Pree rounded the corner and hopped into my lap.

I asked what she could remember about her journey.

She said she remembers that the moon was out there, bright, beckoning. She thought she saw creatures of moonlight in the woods ... She showed me an image of a unicorn. Surprised, I asked if she’d actually seen a unicorn, and she said no, she didn’t think so, but that is how it felt. The shapes and images the moon was creating felt that magical, and she knew that the moon was calling to her, to teach her something important. So she tore through the screen and followed.

Once out in the wild, though, most of the time her thoughts were taken up by survival. One of the first things that happened was that she was chased by -- or at least thought it was chasing her -- a large owl. The storm that came the following day was terrifying, she wanted to go back, but couldn’t. She was hopelessly lost, turned about, and had no idea which direction was home; the storm had washed away any lingering traces of the path she had taken. She also somehow knew there was more “out there” that she needed to see, do, and experience.

I reminded her of how the one lady had been so sure she was dead on the road, and asked her if she thinks she had actually died.

She told me she wasn’t sure specifically about “death”, but does remember a sense of being “separated” from herself, of drifting out of conscious thought the awareness of a great, vast sense of being. She said she thought there was an eagle watching her, high, high above her, too high to approach. Her sense is that the eagle was keeping her from wandering too far from her body, but she could never get close enough to really see or talk to the eagle.

She remembers the dog that was there to chase her under the porch, and how he agreed to draw as much attention to her as he could. Once her body woke up, she knew it was time to get back home, and that was all she could think of. She wanted her Mom. The dog helped, he did a good job, and together they made sure her Mom came to get her.

I asked her what she learned while she was out wandering, what she thought the purpose of the journey was.

Her first response, with a chuckle: “That there’s no place like home.” (We laughed together.)

She said, though, that that really was part of it, and it’s why she’s never so much as looked at an open door or been tempted to go through the window again since. Some animals come into this world to fully and entirely experience the bond with other species’. Wild creatures, those who struggle daily to survive, move in celebration of their own species bonds, and those arrangements and love relationships they make with the predators and prey that interact with them. Other animals come to be farm animals or service animals and explore those specific incredible bonds with humanity as a part of their earthly walk. And some come to be household companions, friends, teachers, and spiritual guides for the people they are destined to love. Since she has come home, the depth of that relationship with the humans and other species within her household has grown to incredible depths and heights, and she believes that she needed to wander, experience danger, and starve to the doorstep of depth (“Bugs don’t taste very good! I’m not a very good hunter -- [laughing] -- so much for the myth that all cats are the ultimate predator!”) to fully understand and experience that bond. She has become a better teacher, better friend, better healer.... She has been privileged to work with me, as well as with other humans, in helping people and animals to strengthen the bond and understanding between them. She has done healing work and been an anchor and support for me, as well as doing much work on her own, in a way that she doesn’t think would have been possible without having experienced her journey.

I ask if she thinks that part of the reason for her journey was to help me along on my path as an animal communicator.

She says, “Of course. We all come together to help one another along our paths. Some of us just do it more dramatically than others.” [laughing] As far as how her journey affected me, Pree believes that perhaps, in part, I needed a true, inarguable miracle in my life at that moment to prove beyond doubt those things my heart hoped and tried very hard to trust were true.

Pree is and shall always be my true, inarguable miracle.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News, June 2005

June 2005

Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them


In the year 1997 there was a short-lived television series on the Fox network called “The Visitor”. The show starred John Corbett (“Northern Exposure”, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, et. al.), and was a tale of a 50-year-long alien abductee who returned to earth with the wisdom gained from his extraterrestrial teachers. It was actually quite a good show; I can recall being disappointed that it only lasted one season.

One detail that made a great impression on me, and stays in my mind today, was the line often spoken by the protagonist, Adam MacArthur, that “all life is connected”. (More accurately: “Living things give off a specific energy.... All life is connected, you just have to open your eyes.”)

The concept of the connected nature of all life is not a new one, nor was it isolated to an obscure '90s sci-fi series. It is, in fact, a realization that is ancient, and one that is growing exponentially in this age we currently find ourselves in. There is an increasing acceptance throughout the world of phenomena such as the psychic sciences and animal communication, and with that a blossoming certainty that we are not isolated individuals, species, or even life-kingdoms on this planet. Nor, in fact, are we an isolated planet, according to many who expand upon the thought. We are all a part, each special in his own way, of a huge interlinked family; members of one vast body of life.

Spring Farm CARES, in upstate New York (, puts out a periodic magazine that is aptly entitled “All That Is”. The animals at Spring Farm, and their caretakers, have been celebrating this connection to all life for quite a few years now. Many animal communicators, in fact, are growing in this realization. I think most, in time, will reach a point that, no matter where they started, they will know in their hearts that we are all part of one another, part of the vast unity that is Life. It is this connection, in fact, that facilitates the telepathic communication between species that so many are growing to enjoy.

An aspect of this inter-connectedness that has amazed me at times, and been a help and a tool to my communication work, is the concept of Oversouls. Penelope Smith, in her book WHEN ANIMALS SPEAK, introduces the concept of the group soul or oversoul:

“I have found that all species and groups that operate in harmony for a common task have leaders who coordinate activity and keep a link, telepathic or otherwise, with the rest of the group. They may have a physically present leader and/or a discarnate, spiritual leader – sometimes referred to as an oversoul. You can address any animals, from elephants to snakes to termites as individuals and experience communication with them. You may also address the oversoul or group or species leader, through communicating with an individual of the group or with the oversoul directly.”

When Animals Speak, pg. 20

The first time I read this part of Penelope's book, the concept fascinated me. The more I think about life's interconnection, the more sense the idea of Oversouls makes. If in fact all life is connected, and my own experiences certainly bear this concept out in practicality, then having a being or individual that can “tap you in” to a species consciousness, or being able to communicate directly with that species consciousness itself, is a logical extension of the idea.

The most obvious, and fascinating (although it was a bit startling when it first began) application I've enjoyed along these lines was when working with wild deer. Everyone who is on the highways in many remote areas of the North America is familiar with the unsettling sight of “road kill deer” -- those beautiful souls who don't make it across the road in time. When I was pet sitting regularly, and on the road nearly every evening, the frequent sight of carcasses and the worry that I might myself be involved in a deer accident was always in the back of my mind. The fact that we had actually hit a deer many years ago added experiential sadness to the concern.

I decided to give the idea of the Oversoul a try. It surprised me at how easy it was to contact the Deer Consciousness. I am not sure whether I was speaking with a particular species leader, or the collected consciousness of all deer, but I came to refer to the “voice” which greeted me as “Mother Deer”. I began speaking to “her” before heading out on the road, and while driving, during peak deer running seasons, and asked her to keep her children safe while I traveled, and out of danger of being hit by my car (or other cars around me). Soon after I began having these conversations, I was met by a rather unsettling phenomenon!

As I'd drive along, wherever there were deer in the field, they would come racing toward the road and stop short just before running out in front of my car. They'd then stand and stare at me as I drove past. It was quite heart-stopping, and not entirely in a pleasant way! I had to contact “Mother Deer” again to ask that her kids please not do that. As much as I appreciated the acknowledgement, it was impossible to quell the moment of panic as I saw them rush out of the twilight toward me!

Once we worked out our balance of emotions and needs, driving during “peak deer times” became a much more relaxed situation. Even though I'm no longer pet sitting, I will still send love and respect to the deer through “Mother”, and ask her to reinforce my request with them, to help keep all of us safe.

Animal communicators have relayed stories about working with the “Oversoul” concept in other ways, too. It can be helpful in communicating with herd animals, sending peace-making requests swarms of insects, pouring healing upon the creatures of the oceans ... the applications are numerous and wonderful.

All life is connected ... and it's an honor and privilege to celebrate the connection with you.



There will be some changes in amounts and policies regarding the various discounts I give.  Some have already gone into effect, some begin July first.  Details can be found on the Rates page of my website.  In a nutshell, though, all discounts will be standardized at 20% of the usual half-hour rate.  For referral credits, it is now required that the person who has referred someone to me let me know that they might have a credit available when they call or email to make their next appointment.  This is something that has always been suggested, but I've tried to keep track as well ... recent events have made that a rather difficult task.  Also, if you are kind enough to refer someone to me, please also suggest strongly that they subscribe to this newsletter.  It's the easiest way for me to keep up with my clients on such issues, thanks!

Hope everyone has a glorious summer!



Pree's thoughts this month are sparked by her own recent minor difficulties ... an infection that made it necessary to confine her in a part of the house away from her mother and brother.  When a human begins to communicate more closely with their animal friends, there are bound to be times when disagreements arise.  At first, when I told Pree it would be necessary to isolate her, she wasn't at all pleased at the prospect.  After a day or two, though, considering how yucky she was feeling, she was glad to have the quiet time ... plus she was in an area that humans regularly occupied, so it wasn't like she was  devoid of company.  She tells me both in thought and action that her little spot became a haven for her, and she is happy to admit that I was right ... "this time".  (In fact, now that she's been "released", she frequently goes back into her spot on her own, just to enjoy the fact that it's still "hers".)

Sometimes it's necessary to do things to and for our animals that they would not choose for themselves.  This often involves some sort of health necessity.  Pree's suggestion is to try to talk it over with your friend as clearly as possible, and be sure to explain to them why your choices are necessary.  Include visual thoughts about what the new routine will be, and how it will benefit them in the long-run.  Sometimes a little telepathic preparation makes a "bitter pill" ("Ha ha, get it?") easier to swallow.

Before we close, Pree is nudging me to ask everyone to send out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY thought to her mother, Sachet!  Sachet is 15 years old today (and doesn't look a day over seven, I might add).  You can see photos of Sachet in the "4-Leggeds" section of the web space.


Thanks to everyone who has stopped by my Creature Thoughts blog.  Please feel free to interact by leaving comments and suggestions, asking questions, or making requests for future posts.  Remember, too, that issues of this e-news will be archived there.  In addition to Creature Thoughts, I've started a couple of other blogs you might wish to take a look at, which occasionally have  related topics in them.

The original "Creature Thoughts" Blog:
"Stream of (Sub)Consciousness": is a place where I ramble on about the esoteric, the philosphical, and probably even the ridiculous at times.
"Point and Viewpoint": is a "reviews" site where I've been posting thoughts on books, movies, television shows, etc.


Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Excellent Lost Dog Help site

Lost Dog Search | Home

The above site is a really good resource site for people who have a missing dog. The site owner, Debbie Hall, has really put together a fabulous resource system. Much of the information may also be adapted for missing cats.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News, April 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News
April 2005
Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them


Animal communication is not magic, nor is it the answer to every problem. It's one tool among many that we have to work with our animal companions, to help them, to learn to understand them. Among the other tools, all equally important, are veterinarians (both allopathic and holistic), trainers, behaviorists, good nutrition, and for cases of missing pets, all of the search and recovery resources out there, such as shelters, flyers and ads, services like Sherlock Bones, and the clever and resourceful neighborhood kids! What animal communication does is augment these other tools, add depth to them, and increase our ability to communicate with our animals and understand their own viewpoint on the subject at hand.

Occasionally we run into folks who are of the mind that animal communicators can "fix their problems". This is rarely the case. What we can do for pet owners is to help them fix their own problems by adding one more tool to the box as they search for the answers. The most important job any animal communicator can do, in fact, is to help the pet's human to learn to understand their friend better themselves. We do this by sharing our techniques, encouraging a deeper connection of the person with their animal friends, and helping the person to see just how much he really does understand of what his pet is telling him. Most humans "read" their pets better than they think they do. They just need to trust that little voice inside, that sense of intuition, and nurture it. By verifying their intuitions, and encouraging them, animal communicators have the privilege of helping with that process.

Behavioral issues are always a tricky spot for communicators. Sometimes a person will call, having tried everything, and when the communicator suggests using more training in conjunction with the telepathic process, the owner becomes discouraged. What I'll usually do in cases like this is try to soothe the human's concerns by sharing behavioral problems I have experienced with my own animals, and the steps I took to try and solve them. Often when they see that even an animal communicator uses training, vets, nutrition and other tools in conjunction with talking to their pets, it helps the person to see that they really are adequate to the task. Having hope that you will succeed is the first step toward solving a difficult problem.

I remember one person who asked me, when I started sharing about an issue I had with my own cats, "If you can talk to your animals, why do you still see disobedience in them?" My response was, "Do you talk to your kids?" Animals are indeed intelligent, thinking beings who can communicate with their humans if the humans are able to step beyond the barriers that prevent them from hearing. But just because the human can hear, and the animal can answer, it doesn't mean the answer is always yes!

In health situations, all good communicators will always recommend veterinary care, and attempt to augment what the vet is already doing by finding out the animal's point of view in the situation. We are not vets, and cannot diagnose illness ... it's not what we're here to do. What we can do is find out how the animal feels, where he hurts, and what he thinks about the whole situation. Sometimes that will give the vet a new direction to explore, or verify something he has already ascertained but isn't wholly certain about. Being able to help in that way toward a pet's recovery gives the communicator a great feeling of satisfaction, plus it will often help a vet who is on the fence about animal communication to understand better, maybe even deepening their own relationship with the animals who come to them for help.

The greatest feeling in the world for any animal communicator is watching their clients grow and strengthen their own abilities to understand their furry friends. We do whatever we can to augment that relationship and encourage that growth. One gal asked, when talking about this, "Doesn't that make you worry that they won't need you any more?" My response was, "Not at all!" There are so many animals on this earth, so many animal lovers. If one person no longer needs my help, someone else will be there seeking a similar path of growth and discovery. I would love to see the whole of humanity regain the ability to commune with all life in harmony.

So think of animal communication as one of many resources at your disposal as you grow closer to your animal friends, seek to help them with their problems and concerns, and learn to understand them better. As the spring takes hold, and new life sprouts all around us, I wish you joy in your path of discovery, with your animals at your side!


Pree's Talk-To-Me Tips

When I asked Pree what she'd like to share for this issue of the newsletter, she said simply, "Respect." When I asked her to expound on that, she showed me how a key to truly understanding your animal is to respect him for who he is, and not try to impose human-centered restrictions on him. This means learning about cat behavior to understand cat behavioral problems, for instance, and trying to control your own emotions as you attempt to view the issue from the cat's point of view. One example of this will be cats who have a problem with inappropriate urination. Urinating is not looked at as a "problem" by the cat ... most of the time he is attempting to communicate, and a very natural way of communicating is to leave his scent in obvious places. Pree suggests: Try not to get mad at your cat for being a cat (or your dog for being a dog ... Pree wishes to make it known that Mom added that part about the dog), but to understand what a cat's point of view would be in the situation, and look for a compromise. Sometimes it helps if you explain the problem, without anger, from the human point of view as you try to understand the cat's. Respect means that there is a middle ground somewhere, and that you and your friend have a chance of finding it together.


Thanks to everyone who has stopped by my Creature Thoughts blog. Please feel free to interact by leaving comments and suggestions, asking questions, or making requests for future posts. Remember, too, that issues of this e-news will be archived there. In addition to Creature Thoughts, I've started a couple of other blogs you might wish to take a look at, which occasionally have related topics in them.

The original "Creature Thoughts" Blog:
"Stream of (Sub)Consciousness": is a place where I ramble on about the esoteric, the philosphical, and probably even the ridiculous at times.
"Point and Viewpoint": is a "reviews" site where I've been posting thoughts on books, movies, television shows, etc.


Gayle Nastasi
Animal Communication Consultant
Free bi-monthly newsletter:
Creature Thoughts Blog:

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Smooth Has Been Found!

Smooth's Search

Read the updates in her blog! Smooth was recovered safe and sound the evening of March 4th.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Smooth's Search

Smooth's Search

The above blog may be of interest to visitors. There is a sweet Rottweiler named Smooth who is loose near the auto accident site where her beloved mom was killed. The story has been on the news, and many people have been following the updates via email. Searchers have put a blog online to make things easier.

Please visit Smooth's blog and say a prayer for her and for her Mom, whom I'm sure is trying to help with her rescue from spirit.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Dog Detective - Lost & found database.

Dog Detective - Lost & found database.

The above service looks very interesting, and might be helpful to people who have lost or found a dog. Our Saluki rescue group will be linking to them, and I thought I would put a link in here, as well.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Stream Of (Sub)consciousness: Perchance to Dream: on crossing over

Stream Of (Sub)consciousness: Perchance to Dream: on crossing over

I started out to write an article on the process of dealing with the death of a beloved animal friend. However I tried to write it from a "detached" point of view, however, it would take a personal turn and become emotional. I decided, therefore, to just go with my inspiration, and posted it instead in my more "personal" blog, above. This way it can be skipped by those who don't wish to read it, and read by those who do.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Animal Communication Recommended Reading

Several people have requested that I add a Recommended Reading list post to the blog, so I thought I would do so for them. This list is also posted on my webpage, but I thought it would be good to duplicate it here for folks who find the site "through the back door", as it were. :-)

Kinship With All Life
by J Allen Boone
A marvelous account of a very special man and his most wonderful animal friends. A must-read for all people who are interested in animal communication, or simply in the relationship we have with our fellow travellers on this earth plane.

Communicating With Animals
by Arthur Myers
A great jump-on place to learn about interspecies communication. This book is especially good for the skeptical explorer, as the author himself was a skeptic when he began his research.

Talking With The Animals
by Patty Summers
A professional animal communicator tells the stories of many of the animals she has known and loved. A lovely journey through one person's life experiences that will touch your heart.

Animal Talk
by Penelope Smith
The definitive book on animal communication from a "how to" perspective, written by the foremost pioneer in the field. Penelope Smith is the standard by which many other communicators base their practices. This is the book you cannot miss if you think you would like to develop communication skills.

When Animals Speak
by Penelope Smith
A more advanced text that explores the deeper, spiritual, levels of interspecies communication. A wonderful book for those who have explored the basics and wish to be taken a step further on their journey.

The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals
by Carol Gurney
Reviewers call this book "down to earth and thorough", and I have to say I agree with them. I found it clear and easy to follow, and think anyone studying animal communication will benefit from reading it.

Species Link
a quarterly magazine by Anima Mundi, Inc. and Penelope Smith
"If you love animals and are open to the possibility of communicating with other species, if you desire to learn as much as you can about communication with animals or if you are a practitioner in this field, Species Link is vital for you!" You can find sample issues and ordering information on Penelope's website, above.

Penelope Smith's Basic Course
For decades, Penelope Smith has been at the head of the movement to teach animal communication to people who desire to connect at a soul-deep level with their animal companions. Her Basic Course has been the starting point for thousands. Now this wonderful course is offered on CD and can be purchased through her website.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Newsletter: February 2005

Gazehound's Animal Communication News
February 2005
Keeping in touch with the animals....
and the people who love them

Note: Due to problems getting a formatted "html" version of the newsletter to go through to AOL members, I'm attempting to be a bit less graphic in this and future issues. Hopefully, although somewhat less pretty, this will help solve that particular problem.


The recent tsunami disaster affected so many people, thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions, in so many ways. We have heard stories on the news and on the 'net about how animals were affected as well, from the heroic efforts of the elephants who saved many tourist lives, to the fact that very few bodies of animals were discovered in the aftermath. Following the tsunami, a bizarre thing began to happen here as well ... I received call after call after call for sessions with lost animals. Both dogs and cats went missing in larger numbers than I'd ever seen before in a short period of time, and I spent many hours tracing, and worrying about, pets whose owners were frantically searching for them. I couldn't help but wonder if the changes felt by the earth after such a cataclysmic event may have somehow altered these animals' ability to find their way home.

As part of the effort to help the animals get home safely, I posted several articles in my Creature Thoughts blog, and would like to share one with you in this newsletter issue.



I do a lot of "missing pet" cases, it seems. I wish I could say that most of them have happy endings, but that isn't always the case. Some do, many, but enough have sad conclusions ... or no conclusions at all ... to make it a very frustrating side of the profession. In fact, a lot of animal communicators don't even accept location work due to the many problems it entails.

One thing I like to do, however, in addition to trying to contact the animal for clues to its whereabouts, is make sure the owners have done all they can on their end, both physically and psychically, to help get their pet home safely. I thought I'd share a little check list of suggestions and "things to do" here in case someone happening across this blog might find it useful.

Have you...?

Printed posters, flyers, cards with your pet's photo, contact numbers, date and time missing, area last seen, and offering a reward? Often small printouts, like business cards, are easier to carry around and hand to people as you go door to door, and more likely to be kept, while of course the larger items are better for "distance viewing" (bulletin boards, etc).
Places to put flyers: indoor community bulletin boards such as in grocery and convenience stores and post offices and banks, lobbies of apartment buildings, the side rear windows of your car (ask friends to do the same), windows of stores and other places of business where the managers give you permission (placed on the inside so the weather doesn't matter). Look for other sheltered places where the weather can't get to your flyer, as well as the more common spots like sign posts, etc. Find out if it's legal in your neighborhood to put posters on telephone poles, though. Not all places allow it.
Canvassed your neighborhood putting up flyers and handing cards or flyers to all your neighbors? This means actually knocking on doors and speaking to the neighbors. If you have to leave a card in a door, try to go back to that house later and actually speak to someone. People are much more likely to take interest if they can attach the situation to a face.
Talked and handed photos and contact information to everyone you can, especially delivery men, mailmen, anyone who makes a regular route through your area, and *children*? Kids almost always notice new dogs or cats wandering a neighborhood.
Visited the local schools and asked to put up flyers there?
Called the local police, veterinarians and shelters, and *visited* the vets and shelters? It often helps to go to the shelter personally, and often, as very busy shelter workers don't always "recognize" the identity of a dog or cat from a description they've received over the phone. Don't just visit your shelter once ... go back at least twice a week in case the animal has been picked up and the shelter workers failed to recognize it. This is not a slight on shelter workers in any way, they are very busy people in a high stress job and are trying their best, but they don't know your animal the way you do.
Searched the immediate area, in and under any form of shelter, checked nearby woods and brush, talked to neighbors, in case the pet has been taken in or closed up somewhere or has holed up for shelter and warmth?
If the pet is missing for more than a day: called the newspapers and placed Lost Pet ads? Likewise local radio stations, some of them will have a public service "bulletin board" type program.
Have you remembered to try and see the situation from your animal's viewpoint? Think like a cat or dog ... try to put yourself on their level, see what they would see, find spaces they would fit in, examine motivation that might have led them astray such as smells or survival fears, etc.
In addition, here is a method that has helped a number of animals get back home: Become quiet and focus your mind, try to calm yourself (not easy when you're so worried, I know). If you have children, instruct them to do this as well, kids are very good at painting clear mental images. Make a picture in your mind, make it as clear and "real" as you can, of a search light going out from your house. Now, imagine the animal seeing that light, understanding that it is coming from home, and following it home. Take time out every so often to repeat and strenghten this image, and send it to the animal. This little trick has helped several animals I know get home safely.
If you have friends and/or animals in spirit with whom you still feel close, and "sense them around you", ask them to assist you in bringing your pet back home.

There are also professional pet detectives out there, such as the Sherlock Bones organization, whose services you may be able to enlist.


Pree's Talk-To-Me Tips

When asked what she'd like to share this month, Pree and I talked about "other forms of communication", and how things like voice and body language are really not "other forms" at all, but part of the big picture of how your animal friends talk to you. One of the most useful things a student of animal communication can do is to sit quietly in their animal's presence and observe. Truly pay attention as your friend interacts with you (you may even wish to keep a notebook) and notice what she does with her body. Do her whiskers shift forward when she gives you her full attention? What are her ears doing when you speak to her ... does she react the same way when your words are thought-words as when you speak with your voice?

Learning to read animal body language can become as natural as learning to read human body language ... we people respond to one another in this type of "sign language" all the time, often interpreting the moves and expressions without really even thinking about them.

While discussing this topic, Pree also mentioned the importance of teaching young children how to read -- and respect -- the things animals are saying to them. A child is naturally in tuned to the animal kingdom, with tremendous potential for communication with other species. If the adults in his life nurture that potential, and guide it toward gentleness and harmony, what wonderful adventures the future can hold.


I've recently discovered "blogging" ... yes, I do realize I'm a bit tardy, as the "blog phenomenon" has been going for some time now. Blogs have a lot of potential, and I've been mulling over ideas on how to benefit my animal communication clients using this medium. I've created a blog, "Creature Thoughts", in which I have been sharing thoughts on animals and animal communication, and other related topics. I hope to be able to post to it often, and invite comments and feedback from visitors. If you have any ideas of articles or uses for the site, please feel free to make suggestions. Likewise, if you (or your animals) have been blogging and would like to share, I'd love to pay your blog-site a visit in return.

You're welcome, any time, to drop by the "Creature Thoughts" Blog at

Monday, January 10, 2005

More on Lost Pets: Communication Difficulties

Searching for lost animals is one of the most difficult and emotionally draining jobs an animal communicator can take on. The task is peppered with so many inherent problems that many communicators don't even take lost animal location cases. Penelope Smith's newsletter, Species Link, dedicated an entire issue to the topic of missing animals, in fact, in effort to support communicators who attempt to tackle this chore.

My previous blog post listed physical things, as well as telepathic tricks, that a lost pet's human can do to help bring their animal safely back home. In addition, if the owner decides to hire a communicator to help in the search, there are things they can keep in mind that will help them relate to what the communicator is receiving.

First and foremost, do what your communicator is doing and try to see things from your pet's point of view. Always remember that the communicator is seeing things through your animal's eyes, and what the animal perceives, and how he translates those sensory impressions, may not be the same as a human would. A classic example happened to me with a cat I was searching for. The cat saw a "large field", which turned out to be a moderately sized yard from a human standpoint. To this cat, however, who was not used to being outdoors, it looked enormous. Another cat who was unfamiliar with farm animals could only show me that she saw "great big huge animals", and the owner was distressed that I didn't know for sure if they were horses or cows. I would have loved to be able to define them more clearly, but the cat herself didn't know what they were, and I could only describe what she saw.

These are just two specific examples of what I'm attempting to relay. In addition, always receive things like numbers and signs (in fact don't expect road names and numbers at all, when they do come through they're an exception rather than the rule), colors, smells, and the identification of "human oriented" objects (such as the difference between a tractor and a truck ... to a dog or cat it may just be a great big noisemaker with wheels) with an eye to interpretation from the pet's perspective. If the object is close, the pet might not even be able to get an identifying view of it ... all he sees is big tires, all he hears is a frightening noise. Try to remember that when the communicator relays these things, she is only translating what your pet sees and understands in the best way that she can. There is no guarantee of precise accuracy, because your animal friend might not fully understand what he is seeing, and/or at the very least is seeing things from a perspective very different from "human".

Another difficult issue to relay is the chronological sequencing of events. An animal who is lost is often in an emotional state of fear, and is gradually shifting himself toward "feral" out of the need to dig up buried survival instincts and protect himself. When he relays things to the communicator, he is sending her images of and input on things that stand out in his mind, that appeared, to him, to be significant. However, he may not remember which of these items he came across first, and may not even be able to clearly relay what is happening "now". The latter is particularly true if "now" is a relatively quiet moment, and "then" was filled with danger, hunger, success in finding food or shelter, or some other momentous event or object. It can often be difficult to get an animal to focus chronologically under the often stressful circumstances involved in being lost.

One often difficult, for both owner and communicator, issue to determine is whether or not an animal is still in his body, or has passed on. This is made even tougher by the fact that this is one thing frantic owners desperately wish to know (and with good reason, of course). It's very hard to say to a teary-eyed animal owner, "I can't be 100% certain". I let clients know that I've been wrong as often as I've been right, and that I prefer not to try to make a definitive guess on that issue, but instead ask for physical impressions from the pet. I do get everything I can from the animal regarding physical sensation, and relay that to the owner so that they can attempt to draw conclusions ... and offer what comfort I can over their worry that their pet might indeed be dead. Even asking the animal outright may not be helpful, as not all realize right away that they have passed on. I have had several owners tell me that they found their pet surrounded by the things he had described, but that his spirit had already left. There is nothing more upsetting to a communicator, of course, even though most owners will express their gratitude and say that it's better than not knowing. Having been in their position, I agree with that sentiment ... but it is still so very hard on everyone involved.

I have watched, on a number of occasions, a television show on the Court TV cable network called "Psychic Detectives". These psychics work with police departments to find missing people and help solve crimes. So often they will know that a person has passed on, and be correct in their interpretation. It bothers me to watch this show, as fascinating as it is, because I always feel so inadequate. "If they can tell with people, why can't I with animals?"

I can only make assumptions based on the things that animals have taught me over the years as to why so many animal communicators do have a problem with this issue. First and foremost, I believe that animals are not as concerned over the physical state of their body as humans are ... meaning that death is not as traumatic for animals. Many deceased pets I've spoken with are more concerned over the emotional state of their human than they are over their own passing. On a personal level they seem to be very accepting of the fact that bodies are not eternal, but spirits are. When communicators speak with animals, living or dead, we are talking with that animal's spirit. The spirit is the same, and feels the same, whether or not it is still housed within the body. Still I strive toward the day when I might discover a key that I'm missing so far, that will allow me to be more accurate on this issue.

One thing the human friend of the animal can do to help is to try to calm their emotions a bit. Having an animal who is missing is very stressful ... but clearer information comes in over calm seas, and if an owner is very aggitated, it can sometimes affect the communicator's connection with the animal. Strong emotions can "stir the waters", making the connection more difficult. Many animal communicators will attempt to help with this by giving the owner something to do ... such as the search light and list of physical things to try. For many people, "doing something" will help them to get more focused and anchor their emotions a bit.

When working with a communicator to try to locate your missing pet, try to keep these things in mind. If you feel that a clue isn't clear enough, talk to the communicator and ask for a little more detail, see if they can see something from a different angle, and attempt to work with them in interpreting what your animal is trying to show them. Sometimes the most helpful thing a communicator can do is put the owner in touch with the animal more deeply, so that the animal's human friend can lend a "telepathic hand" to the search. In fact one of the best rewards animal communicators can receive is to see the owners of the animals they talk to begin to receive intuitive impressions from their pets themselves. This is true with tracking missing pets as well as all aspects of the human/animal relationship.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Animal Communication Tips: Lost Pets

I do a lot of "missing pet" cases, it seems. I wish I could say that most of them have happy endings, but that isn't always the case. Some do, many, but enough have sad conclusions ... or no conclusions at all ... to make it a very frustrating side of the profession. In fact, a lot of animal communicators don't even accept location work due to the many problems it entails.

One thing I like to do, however, in addition to trying to contact the animal for clues to its whereabouts, is make sure the owners have done all they can on their end, both physically and psychically, to help get their pet home safely. I thought I'd share a little check list of suggestions and "things to do" here in case someone happening across this blog might find it useful.

Have you...?

  • Printed posters, flyers, cards with your pet's photo, contact numbers, date and time missing, area last seen, and offering a reward? Often small printouts, like business cards, are easier to carry around and hand to people as you go door to door, and more likely to be kept, while of course the larger items are better for "distance viewing" (bulletin boards, etc).
  • Places to put flyers: indoor community bulletin boards such as in grocery and convenience stores and post offices and banks, lobbies of apartment buildings, the side rear windows of your car (ask friends to do the same), windows of stores and other places of business where the managers give you permission (placed on the inside so the weather doesn't matter). Look for other sheltered places where the weather can't get to your flyer, as well as the more common spots like sign posts, etc. Find out if it's legal in your neighborhood to put posters on telephone poles, though. Not all places allow it.
  • Canvassed your neighborhood putting up flyers and handing cards or flyers to all your neighbors? This means actually knocking on doors and speaking to the neighbors. If you have to leave a card in a door, try to go back to that house later and actually speak to someone. People are much more likely to take interest if they can attach the situation to a face.
  • Talked and handed photos and contact information to everyone you can, especially delivery men, mailmen, anyone who makes a regular route through your area, and *children*? Kids almost always notice new dogs or cats wandering a neighborhood.
  • Visited the local schools and asked to put up flyers there?
  • Called the local police, veterinarians and shelters, and *visited* the vets and shelters? It often helps to go to the shelter personally, and often, as very busy shelter workers don't always "recognize" the identity of a dog or cat from a description they've received over the phone. Don't just visit your shelter once ... go back at least twice a week in case the animal has been picked up and the shelter workers failed to recognize it. This is not a slight on shelter workers in any way, they are very busy people in a high stress job and are trying their best, but they don't know your animal the way you do.
  • Searched the immediate area, in and under any form of shelter, checked nearby woods and brush, talked to neighbors, in case the pet has been taken in or closed up somewhere or has holed up for shelter and warmth?
  • If the pet is missing for more than a day: called the newspapers and placed Lost Pet ads? Likewise local radio stations, some of them will have a public service "bulletin board" type program.
  • Have you remembered to try and see the situation from your animal's viewpoint? Think like a cat or dog ... try to put yourself on their level, see what they would see, find spaces they would fit in, examine motivation that might have led them astray such as smells or survival fears, etc.
  • In addition, here is a method that has helped a number of animals get back home: Become quiet and focus your mind, try to calm yourself (not easy when you're so worried, I know). If you have children, instruct them to do this as well, kids are very good at painting clear mental images. Make a picture in your mind, make it as clear and "real" as you can, of a search light going out from your house. Now, imagine the animal seeing that light, understanding that it is coming from home, and following it home. Take time out every so often to repeat and strenghten this image, and send it to the animal. This little trick has helped several animals I know get home safely.
  • If you have friends and/or animals in spirit with whom you still feel close, and "sense them around you", ask them to assist you in bringing your pet back home.

There are also professional pet detectives out there, such as the Sherlock Bones organization, whose services you may be able to enlist.